Web Development/ Jan 18, 2019

7 Key Benefits of Magento For Your Website Development

Benefits of Magento Website Development Services

Have you ever thought of increasing your sales of the online stores?

Well, this can happen if you provide more information and usage about the product or the service you are offering.

In this situation, you need to provide way more information regarding the product or the service instead of excessive description about them. Because end of the day, customers will find reasons of the investment they want to make with your service or product whichever you are offering.

In order to get some idea to resolve problems for e-commerce stores, you can consider Magento.

What is Magento?

Magento is known to be the powerful platform to help creating am online store, just like WordPress helps creating contents and blogs, which are effective.

Now, you can ask about the way it works for e-commerce sites, right?

To answer this, it can be said that Magento WordPress integration allows having the best of the both platforms. It means that you are going to have an eCommerce site with great flexibility along with a powerful content management system.

Key benefits of using Magento for eCommerce website development

Here are some of the key benefits that you can achieve with Magento. Let’s explore them to know more about them.

  1. Cost exemption

Meganto generally known as an open source platform and there are a whole lot of features that are completely free.

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Yes, you read it right, the cost has been exempted.

It is a fast growing and big technology. Because of its uniqueness and thousands of extensions, developers are liking it very much.

There are 3 flavours you are getting to choose from, in Magento. Firstly, Community Edition is for open source, Enterprise Edition is the second one and Magento Go is for hosted solution.

  1. Versatility in content management

Magento can be considered as an intuitive and visual based page editor. However, this is the reason website owners like this way too much as it allows them to build and customize their offerings whenever they want to.

So, you got to know why website owners like it. Its natural. If you are getting such flexibility with this software, then you will also like it.

There is also another option that helps toggling a user-friendly WYSIWYG content management interface.

Don’t feel surprised with this word WYSIWYG as it’s an abbreviation of What You See Is What You Get. Well this interface is really nice especially for those code deficient and want to manipulate basic functioning within the shopping cart.

  1. Mobile friendly configuration

Magento shopping carts are developed responsively by making all of them a bit seamlessly viewable on smart phones. Its not about only the smart phones, but also for tablets and other devices, which have mobility.

Yes, it is very obvious that this accommodates a consumer shopping trend as we do not like to browse on our desktop sites all the time. People are busy and so they are more comfortable with their smart phones.

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In that case, if this Magento is offering a configuration that is mobile friendly, then people will feel comfortable shopping whenever and wherever they are.

Most of us like to shop and if it is happening from our own smart phones, then it is really good for us. We are not wasting much time visiting physical stores to find out the product we are looking for. It can happen with just few clicks.

So, you can just see how cool is that.

  1. Advanced search engine optimization

Oh yes, it does an excellent job of opening the flow for improved organic traffic for the websites.

If you are asking for the development process of Magento, then you must know that this platform was built with having SEO efficiency in mind.

It gives the products a better chance to appear on search engines like Google, Bing and others. Even there is also plenty of rooms for custom SEO implements if there is any need of it. This can be done by the users if they have required knowledge and skills to do that.

  1. Powerful and capacious

Magento platform is powerful and spacious as it has the ability to support 500,000 products on one site and along with that it has to handle more than 80,000 orders per hour.

So, this is what makes it powerful and spacious.

It clarifies that lots of space there is for future growth within one or other different shopping carts of a same site.

A question can pop in your mind about the way of work it follows or how does it work so smoothly, right?

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Let me tell you that because of its size and complexity, Magento has a special hosting requirement in order to gain an optimum performance and load speeds. And now, you got to know why it works so smoothly on your device.

However, you must ensure that you are well prepared for the extra hosting expenses in beforehand.

  1. Built in up sells and cross sells

With Magento platform, you are free to add prompts easily without facing any problems at all on the time, you are browsing related options on product and other check out pages.

In order to bring ease in enhancing user experience and to get the sales potential increased, Magento has been designed in such a way. Even with Magento, you can notice that present relevant accessories, similar product cross sells and other things on the margins.

  1. Third party integration is easy

What can be more on your cart with Magento?

You are free to connect your eCommerce experience along with eBay, PayPal, Mail Chimp, Google Shopping, Quick Books and other related sites that are available for the same service.

By the way, this is a platform that allows shop owners to get Google Analytics and other available third-party integrations with their sites. By doing this, they will be able to aid in data analysis.

All of these above-mentioned key benefits are the reasons website owners are choosing and relying on Magento.

Author Bio

Justin Kemp is working as a Jr. content writer and blogger with Ethane Technologies. He can be seen blogging about digital marketing, web design, SEO, SMO, PPC, etc.

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