Designing Legal Websites in 2019 – 5 Trends to Look Out For

A well-executed web design speaks volumes for your website. However, what may work for a tech-blog does not necessarily hold true for your legal website. The key to a well-designed website is to tailor your design according to the specific needs of your client. In this case, designing a legal website may involve a different approach compared to an e-commerce site.
In this article, we have identified the latest trends in legal website design. So take some time and have a look-see into the 5 trendiest law firm web design inspiration ideas for 2019.

Trend #1 Gray and White Palettes

If you want to exude a more elegant and professional look, then gray and white palettes are the way to go. These color tones can set the mood for your visitors, giving them the impression that you’re serious with their business. With fewer distractions, it brings your brand into the forefront giving you a unified message.
A white or gray gives you a strong neutral backdrop for your web design. These two provide a strong contrast against each other that you could easily emphasize the different element designs. The white and gray palette just makes everything look different. And in the legal niche, you don’t want your website to be shouting and sending the wrong message. This also makes it easier to bring additional colors to provide a strong emphasis on other elements of your page.

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Trend #2 Mobile Friendly Web Designs

This has been a must since mobile devices have taken over personal computers as the number one platform for connecting to the internet. They key here is to optimize your website for mobile devices. Your templates must be able to work on the limited real estate on mobile devices. These must also be flexible and responsive to the different quirks found on mobile devices.
If you’re planning to create a mobile-friendly legal website, navigation must be thumb-friendly. Using relatively large buttons and well-placed pages make it easier for visitors to navigate the different elements of your website.

Trend #3 Going Retro

Bring a new perspective by visiting “classic” web designs. We’ve always seen in fashion, things just sort of having their way back into the mainstream when “new” becomes boring. Classic web designs can be described as simple and functional. And if you’re a legal website, focusing on your message and the services makes you look more professional and business-like. A great way of attracting prospective clients by showcasing that you are all about business, none of fluff and distraction.
Minimalism is one of the most time-enduring web design trends that’s hard to replace. This is especially true for legal websites who would benefit from classic color tones or monochromatic web designs.

Trend #4 Using Three Dimensional Elements

Breathe new life into your website by adding a little more depth, using three-dimensional elements might just be the kick that your so-so legal website has been looking for. The little signs are there, sharp edges being replaced with curved ones and of course those subtle shadows.
Three-dimensional elements give your legal website some depth and life. It makes images more realistic, adds personality to your text, giving your content more emphasis. You don’t have to invest heavily in 3D technology. These have been readily available as templates or themes on content management systems such as WordPress that incorporates 3D designs and shapes.

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Trend #5 Using Videos and Images

If you want to capture your visitor’s attention, then videos and images are the best way to go. Images are worth a thousand words and videos can speak volumes for you. Adding visual elements to your web design could be a great complement to your existing text content. It serves to reinforce your message, trying to fill the gaps that you might have missed.
It is also widely accepted that people would rather watch videos than just read content. Interactive elements could also spark more interest in your visitors. By combining a well-executed content strategy with carefully selected images and videos, you are able to create a stronger message for your legal website.

About the Author:

Rodney Warner is the founder of Connective Web Design. You can find him on his company website or on Instagram.


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