Digital Marketing


With the rapid evolution of the 2.0 world, the role played by social networks within the marketing plan of any company is increasingly evident . However, to achieve a good online reputation it is not enough just to have a presence on social networks , it must be done correctly. Do you think you manage your company’s social networks correctly ? Below, we detail the most common mistakes that companies often make while trying to “conquer the seas of the Internet”. We hope that with our warning you can avoid them and achieve a marketing strategy that guarantees success.


Among the tools best known by the Comunnity Manager when it comes to automating social media posts we find Hootsuite or Metricool . These types of tools help us both with the organization of day-to-day in social networks through the scheduling of publications, as well as the preparation of complete reports on the best hours of publication or the tracking of publications, networks or hashtags where you have appeared or you want to be controlled.

The automation allows us to program publications of interest to our users in an organized way. However, abusing automation can be detrimental when projecting an impersonal image. If our posts are always at the same time, the same days, and on the same social networks constantly, we will give the impression that we have a robot as a worker rather than having a person on the other side of the screen.

The automation tools do not always work properly, sometimes give failures when scheduling publications on their platforms and do not send any notification as it has not been published, which can be a problem if you counted the publication of that content. The reasons why these tools fail can range from when the social network you are trying to post to has disconnected from the tool, because the post has been duplicated and the tool recognizes it as an error and does not publish it, or because the content The publication may be “abusive” according to the rules of each social network.

Another aspect to take into account in automation and not fall into its errors are Chatbots . A chatbot is a program that carries out actions related to interaction, mainly intended for customer service. This program has a system that understands the language, and is capable of relating to users within a certain area for which it has been programmed.

If we have configured in our social networks chatbots that are in charge of sending automatic messages to our clients, it is a good practice, but we must review those messages “by hand” daily in order to give a more humane and more accurate response than the client wants. to know.


As we discussed in the post dedicated to it, a Community Manager is a professional trained in managing the company-client relationship in the digital field. Therefore, hiring a person specialized in the use of social networks gives added value to our profiles on the network. A common mistake is to relegate this activity to inexperienced people within the institution who have been chosen under subjective criteria.

Like all professionals, a Community Manager has the necessary knowledge to develop a good marketing strategy and monitor it over time to know its results. Therefore, if we want to achieve a good online reputation , it is best to put someone expert in charge of your social networks .


If you do not have a Community Manager , chances are you do not have the figure of Social Media Strategist either, and therefore you are wasting your resources by not having a social media strategy .

Every strategy in social networks begins with the Social Media Strategist who is the one who designs the global strategy to be followed by the company in social networks and establish an action plan, that is, it must define what our objectives will be in the digital world : to offer customer service, make yourself known, increase web traffic or any other objective we have in mind. From that moment on, the Community Manager takes over and analyzes the resources available to the company, the different tools and platforms it can use, and the target audience.

This phase is key to define first, in which social networks we will have a presence and second, what strategy we will follow in each of them. A frequent mistake is having a profile in each and every one of the existing social networks and also using the exact same strategy in all of them.

We must keep in mind that our target audience is going to move on particular platforms and that it is the job of the Community Manager to discover what they are. In addition, he is responsible for evaluating what tools each social network offers to maximize the campaign in it. This further reinforces the need to hire a professional to manage our online reputation .


As we mentioned previously, not only is having a presence on social networks , but we must do it well to be effective. Both over-activity and lack of it can be detrimental to our network marketing campaign , it all depends on a true balance.

Excessive network activity is associated with a desperate campaign. If we start bombarding our followers with spam- type content, the only thing we can do is get them away from our brand. If there is something that we must be clear about, it is that quantity is not synonymous with quality . It is much better to publish little content strategically than to publish too much content that does not generate interaction.

The opposite side of this coin is a lack of activity. Having a profile on a social network and not using it is much worse than simply not having it. If our social networks are not regularly updated or show no activity, our brand projects an image of carelessness and little attention. Nobody is hooked with a company that does not serve its audience in digital media, much less in the middle of the modern era.


The content that we capture on social networks is governed mostly by what we want to transmit at all times, but we must take into account the invisible hand of algorithms . Each social network uses a different one, based on what companies believe users want to see, and it is our duty to know each of their changes to make proper use of the companies’ corporate platforms.

  • The Facebook algorithm. It is based on the most important interactions, this means that the user will see more content from those people with whom he has a relationship.
  • The Twitter algorithm. It takes into account what the social network considers important to the user, usually based on previous interactions.
  • The Instagram algorithm. Relevant content on the iconic network of influencers is based on a mix of popularity, user relevance and friendship with the accounts involved.
  • The LinkedIn algorithm. The social network focused on the professional world takes into account the number of interactions of a publication; since if it is interesting for many it will surely be relevant information for the workplace.
  • The Pinterest algorithm. What ranks best on Pinterest and is best valued for its algorithm are user liking and previous searches.


Currently, social networks such as Facebook , Twitter or LinkedIn have become the most used tools to generate contacts, potential leads and even close sales, or in other words, do Social Selling . But this can also be a mistake if we only use social networks to sell.

An effective sales strategy on social media is to subtly promote products, interspersing information related to them along with offers, descriptions and sales. But if we bombard our clients with too many sales publications, we will succeed in developing disinterest in our brand.

Therefore, to make a correct sale on social networks we must first analyze the funnel or conversion funnel on our website, that is, analyze the steps that each user takes to meet a certain objective, whether it is a registration, a purchase or a new lead .

The conversion funnel is made up of three main parts (Top, Middle and Bottom) and each one has to be analyzed to offer the user what they need depending on the part of the conversion funnel.

  • TOFU : It is the highest part of the funnel, where the content is created to attract as many visitors as possible. At this stage, content is usually disseminated in post format to help your users identify you as a brand and discover what they need from you.
  • MOFU : is the name given to the second stage of the conversion funnel . Here users have already discovered what they need and that is when you can offer content created so that they begin to see you as an option to consider to satisfy their need.
  • BOFU : is the piece that closes the sales cycle. This part only comes users who, after visiting you, have considered you as an option and are interested in your products or services. At this stage you will have to create personalized content such as free trials or product demonstrations.


If there is something that is making more and more sense, it is that social networks are no longer only of companies, but are made for users. Therefore, being a two-way medium, perceiving your opinions is a key piece for an effective marketing strategy . Not listening to users is one of the most common mistakes in business management and often one of the most costly. We must take into account that users shape the social network with their concerns, interests and criticisms that help us evolve and build a more solid profile. The proof of this is the development of tools for the analysis of feelings that allow us to know the reaction of our clients to the content and based on it to measure the results of our campaign .

Among these results can be found criticisms or negative opinions that must be properly managed so as not to negatively impact our company. All services can make mistakes, but knowing how to respond not only gives a good image of the brand , but increases people’s confidence in it and increases online reputation .


The little varied content on social networks ends up boring our customers and making them stop following us. This mistake often stems from not listening to our users, hence the importance of truly knowing their interests and categories in order to generate content that hooks them and keeps them faithful.

Share content in different formats : videos, images, text … Don’t always communicate the same and in the same way! since this way you will not attract anyone’s attention.


Somewhere, someone said, “Business and home shouldn’t mix,” and he’s absolutely right. The company profile must be completely removed from personal profiles as there is a risk of damaging the brand’s online reputation . If we link our personal networks with those of the company, our opinion will undoubtedly be extrapolated to the values ​​of the company . Big mistake, especially during certain situations where a company must be as neutral as possible.

In addition, we must take into account that some social networks can block your account, since in their bases they specify that a personal profile is not valid to represent a company or brand on their network.


As you will have seen managing the social networks of a company, it is not always an easy task, so it is convenient to hire a good Community Manager who is responsible for monitoring and relations with users on social networks and have a content strategy in mind, although always being alert to give priority to current news.


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