Six Common Types of Cyber Attacks

    An attempt to disrupt and steal computerized information is a cyber-attack. It is directed at an internet device, weakening its network and security, and ultimately exploiting it. 

    Cybercrimes and tools become more reinforced as technology provides better benefits. Thankfully, there are also diverse technologies that we can combine to combat the ever-rising data and security compromise. You can explore and adopt modern cybersecurity practices to stay safe. 

    We believe that adequate knowledge is required to protect yourself as you should. So, don’t stop reading! In this blog post, we will explore six types of cyber-attacks.

    The top six types of cyber attacks 

    Here are the top six types of cyber-attacks: 

    • DDoS and DoS attacks 

    A distributed denial-of-service attack is a cyber-attack that is engineered to weaken a system until it can no longer offer legitimate requests. A denial-of-service attack also overwhelms a network’s resources and prevents it from executing its initial functions. 

    It is initiated and controlled by a cybercriminal using malware-infused host machines. A site experiencing DDoS and DoS attacks will not perform its services until the situation is rectified. 

    When there is a denial-of-service attack, the victim site becomes unable to satisfy or execute legitimate requests. The overwhelming service requests eventually prevent the system from functioning, sometimes resulting in a website shutdown. 

    This type of attack is usually targeted and initiated by business competitors. The attacker will not benefit directly from the victim site, but the shutdown will be profitable. However, you can prevent this attack with a firewall – it detects and verifies only legitimate requests to access your website. 

    • Phishing attacks 

    Not every email you receive is from a legitimate source. Phishing schemes are attacks sent in via emails, masqueraded as information from reliable sources. However, their purpose is to extract confidential information from their victims.

    They are called phishing attacks because they essentially use ‘bait’ to lure an unsuspecting user into giving them access to undisclosed information. You may compromise your system security by clicking on the websites that are so infamously common on emails. 

    It can be done through redirections, common on the World Wide Web. It may trick you into downloading viruses that exploit your system or providing the sensitive information to the seemingly trusted site. 

    Sometimes, you may be unaware that you have been a victim of a phishing attack until significant damage has been done. 

    You can protect yourself by clicking only on verified and legitimate links and paying attention to email headers. If they fail to connect to the website presented in the email when you explore the “reply-to” and “return-path” features, it may be due to illegitimacy.

    • Spear-phishing attacks

    Spear-fishing attacks are more specified and targeted. The attacker must have some sensitive information about the victim to know how to present information that they would find relevant. 

    It is called spear-phishing for this reason and is executed through email spoofing. Here, the “from” aspect of the email is modified to deceive the victim into believing it is from a verified source. It is not above an attacker to use a social media network, business partner, or family friend to deceive the unaware internet user. 

    Some cybercriminals make this attack even more believable by cloning legitimate websites. When you visit them, you have the assurance that you are dealing with a seemingly viable system and may provide sensitive information when required. 

    Once again, you can prevent it by double-checking the domain and in-depth details of the email. If you get a nagging feeling at the back of your mind, go with it. 

    • Ransomware 

    Ransomware attacks are also prevalent in the internet age. Unsuspecting users fall victim when they download ransomware from a website or unblock it through targeted emails. The malware is designed to fully operate when it is downloaded, taking the workstation hostage through encryption. 

    The attacker will hold the system hostage until an agreed sum is fully paid. Then, they will reveal information about how to regain control of the workstation to the victim. Sometimes, the damage is not restricted to the infiltrated system alone. Some work with specialized technologies that spread to connected networks. 

    Again, you can prevent a ransomware attack through next-generation firewall technology. It uses artificial intelligence to detect hidden malware attempts. 

    • Session hijacking 

    A session hijacking is a type of man-in-the-middle attack. Here, there is a breach in cybersecurity, exposing the victim to the whims of the attacker. Hackers can intercept the data exchanged between two systems seamlessly without the knowledge of either party. There are many types of MITM attacks.

    In this dedicated type, the IP address of the victim system is cloned, tricking the server into believing there has not been a breach. Correspondences continue normally, and sensitive information is amassed. 

    It can result in a severe data breach, impersonation, financial fraud, and even physical consequences. Prevent it by using a reliable VPN. 

    • Brute-force attacks 

    A brute force attack refers to several directed attempts at cracking the target’s login credentials. The attacker uses technologies like bots and codes to break into the system. The bot will be given the credentials needed to make the right guess, and once access is granted, chaos begins. 

    You can use lock-out technologies to combat brute-force attacks. For instance, after several failed login attempts, the system can shut down or freeze. This method fights most attacks, even those masquerading in the form of an IP address change. 

    You can maximize safety by using technical passwords that combine letters, numbers, and symbols. You may also use a password generator to create a secure password for your devices and online accounts. 

    The bottom line 

    You can protect yourself from a significant number of cyber breaches with a VPN. It is a proxy service that encrypts data with the strongest encryption codes. When you combine it with a strong password, anti-malware, and other vital internet practices, you drastically reduce your chances of a cyber breach with this technology. Use your final unprotected moments online to compare VPNs and choose the best VPN in 2022.

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