Web Design Mistakes to Avoid for Gaining Phenomenal Success and Engaging Instagram Traffic

In this digital world, websites play a pivotal role in conducting business smoothly. A well-designed website has the power to effectively target the audience it is precisely looking at to sell its products and services. Web design plays a crucial role in the success of a business and your marketing strategy must not ignore the need for redesigning your website to boost engagement and enhance ROIs.

According to https://www.forbes.com, an important indicator which shows that your web design requires being overhauled is when you see lower conversion rates. Examine your CTAs. Are they transforming visitors from Instagram and other platforms into clients? Consider analyzing your key landing pages. Make sure that they are able to convey clearly the brand message and the value of your brand. Moreover, you must consider overhauling the website if your competition seems to be leaving you way behind. A redesign of your website could grab the visitors’ attention and attract them to your site with the fresh new look.

A yardstick to measure the appropriateness of your web design is primarily how your users are reacting to it. Are they still engaging with your site in the same fashion? If your website is not able to retain the users, you must consider redesigning your website and ponder over the web design mistakes. Examine the total scenario and identify your mistakes. Rectify your web design mistakes so that you could engage more customers and potential customers. You must learn from all the mistakes that you are making. By integrating Instagram seamlessly into your core website design, you are making sure that there would be a boost in the number of Instagram followers engaging with your site and eventually converting. Let us explore some of the most common mistakes that web designers make.

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Mistake No.1: Using Far Too Many Pictures

Using too many photos on your website could prove to be detrimental to the success of your site. It is good to use high-resolution Instagram inspired pictures on your website from time to time but do not overdo it in your quest for instant popularity and success. Too many images could adversely impact the site’s loading speed. There is no point in making your site look attractive with vibrant and colorful pictures if visitors bounce off due to the painstakingly slow loading time of your site. Use pictures only with serious intent and make sure that they convey the brand message clearly.

Mistake No. 2: Emphasis on Devices than on Screen Size

While designing your site, you must concentrate on using precisely the screen size to present a really responsive and intuitive web design instead of focusing on device categorization. Do not forget that some smartphones are really big in size and sometimes, desktop manufacturers are coming up with big screens to match the size of television screens. You must concentrate on precisely the screen size while designing your site and do not focus on devices.

Mistake No.3: Not Understanding Buyer Persona

A proficient web designer would surely understand the importance of the buyer persona. You need to gather all important information and details about your precise target audience and you must have a thorough understanding of buyer psychology. Once you know what makes a buyer click, you could come up with a winning website design.

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Web designers must steer clear of the mistakes discussed above if they wish to drive and retain more traffic from Instagram. Moreover, do not make the mistake of underestimating the power of Instagram. Remember that Instagram has totally redefined the core concept of web designing and if you wish to achieve phenomenal success, you must consider staying abreast with the latest trends in the social media landscape.


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