Digital Marketing/ Jan 20, 2018

Why is Real Downloader not working in Google Chrome?

The RealPlayer media player equips all Web browsers with a plugin that enables playback streaming of a wide variety of file types. This plugin can also be configured to download any format of streaming media directly to your computer so you can view it later whether you’re online or not. You can integrate the RealPlayer plugin into a Web browser like Google Chrome in just a few clicks.

1. Download and install RealPlayer from the RealNetworks website (see link in Resources).

2. Launch RealPlayer. Click the “RealPlayer” tab and select “Preferences ” to launch the Preferences” screen. Click the “Download & Recording” tab under the “Category” menu.

3. Click the “Browse” button next to the “Save Files To” field, navigate to a location on your computer to save all downloaded media and click “OK.”

4. Select the “Enable Web Downloading & Recording” option in the “Preferences” screen. Click “OK.”

5. Launch Google Chrome. Select the wrench icon on the menu bar and select “Tools.” Choose “Extensions” from the fly-out menu. An “Extensions” page loads. Scroll down the list to the entry for the RealPlayer Downloader Extension. Make sure the item is enabled.

6. Visit a Web page with streaming media. When the content loads, a “Download This Video” overlay displays on top of the embedded player.

7. Click the “Download This Video” overlay and the “RealPlayer Download & Recording Manager” launches. RealPlayer shows a confirmation message when it has downloaded the streaming media to the pre-selected storage location on your computer.


Unfortunately, that question is too big to be able to answer it. I can only make a stab in the dark.

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have you checked your pop-up blocker? Is it blocking a pop-up that you need for the download?

sometimes it refers to a third-party site. Is the external site blocked?

Do you have a good Internet connection? If you are on a slow connection, or on Wi-Fi (which will lose its signal due to radio interference) you may be losing connection in the middle of the download.

This is a problem with Chrome’s Pepper Flash which is Google’s version of Flash.
You need to disable it and install Adobe Flash Player to let Real Downloader work.

1. In Chrome type and enter this url: chrome://plugins
2. Next disable the Adobe Flash Player plugin which displays the following detail:
C:\Documents and Settings\[your username here]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\xx.xx.xxxx.x [version number here]\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll
3. Now open any video on YouTube, you will get the choice of downloading Adobe Flash Player, download and install it.

All will be well.

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