What is Emotional Marketing and how to apply it to your brand strategy?

    Do you know what Emotional Marketing is and the advantages you could obtain if you apply it with your own Brand? This technique, which is used by hundreds of multinationals in different commercial sectors, could be one of the keys to the success of your company or organization on a global level.

    And there is no doubt that feelings are something that all human beings have in common. Therefore, using emotions in favor of your business, to ensure that your message connects better with potential customers of your products or services, is a fantastic idea at a business level.

    Certainly, I am sure that, if you have not yet put it into practice within the Digital Marketing plan of your business project, you should consider it. Even so, I would like to start (as always) by defining this concept for you, in case you are one of the few who still does not know it:

    What is Emotional Marketing?

    Emotional Marketing is a technique or strategy that seeks to mobilize people thanks to their feelings, emotions and values, in order to establish an emotional link between a brand, product or service and the target audience it is aimed at.

    As with many multinationals, Emotional Marketing could also be one of the keys to the success of your Internet business. For this reason, in this guide, together with Sonia Duro Limia  we will teach you how to apply it within your digital strategies.

    I’ll leave you with her!

    Emotional Marketing Guide, what is this technique looking for and how is it applied?

    Knowing the irrational or unconscious impulses that prompt people to make a purchase is enormously difficult. But, at the same time, effective if you identify them.

    On the other hand, it is not easy to emotionally connect with your target audience. But, although there are many ways to achieve it, for me the most sincere and direct thing is to try to show yourself as you are.

    oh wait! Are you a brand? Well, I repeat, show your identity, that “mission, vision and values” that they all have. What I want to say is that it does not matter if you are a business or a company. They also have a human side and a digital identity that identifies them and differentiates them from their competitors.

    For example, the colors of our logo and our brand help us to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the companies that compete for our target audience.

    Ok, so let’s answer the question: what exactly is this technique looking for?

    There are several answers to this question:

    • We want to connect , as a brand, with the emotions of our potential customers. Only in this way can we reach them and differentiate ourselves from our competition.
    • We want to attract attention and mobilize the feelings that we can arouse in our target audience.

    Yes, I’m talking about something purely:

    • Subjective,
    • Delicate,
    • Subtle,
    • Warm,
    • Romantic,
    • Smooth…

    Do you see where I’m going?

    In short, what we are looking for is to connect person-person, or H2H, beyond B2C or B2B ( Business to Business ).

    The important thing is not whether you sell one company or another, but what personal and unique connection that company does not offer. We always talk about sales between people, thanks to the feeling that is established between both parties.

    Have you identified the emotions of your company that are common to your potential customers?

    Because, I imagine, that you are aware that your company can and should transmit feelings , right?

    5 Examples of Emotional Marketing from companies that use it successfully

    With Emotional Marketing actions we seek to mobilize the emotions of our target audience. Have you thought about whether there is room for it in your strategy?

    That is, as consumers, we take that step, we take it out of pure emotion. This is true of most B2C businesses , aimed at the end customer.

    In B2B this data is not so defined, but I want to make you think, if you move here: are your sales because of your good offer, because of the good company you work for or because you have a feeling with the person who buys from you ?

    I know that your answer is that good relationship with your client and that brings us back to Emotional Marketing and Social Selling .

    After the lines you have read, surely you have already understood the importance of an Emotional Marketing strategy for sales.

    Just in case, so that this approach is completely clear, I am going to give you a couple of examples of well-known brands, which reign in this field and others that are not so well-known.

    1st » Coca-Cola

    They are very clear about how to connect with their target audience. In the world of soft drinks there is enormous competition.

    There is no significant difference in price, which is why their approach is direct and clear: they appeal to their customers’ likeability, they want to be a likeable brand that they like.

    All their advertising revolves around this idea and, I give you this example, but you could choose any other and it would meet these principles.

    2nd » Estrella Damm

    For me, another of the brands that has marked a turning point in Emotional Marketing is Estrella Damm.

    Every summer we are expectantly waiting for their announcement, because it has been a long time since they stole our hearts to remain engrossed with the warm, romantic and vital message that they have been sending us.

    As in the previous case, I leave you with one of its mythical advertisements, although if you visualize this year’s one, the objective of stirring up the emotions of the consumer is exactly the same.

    3rd » Mr. Wonderfull

    Mr. Wonderfull is another of the well-known brands that have Emotional Marketing as a strategy. Happiness is the emotion that they have identified and that is incorporated into all their products and their way of communicating.

    Their message and the colors they use convey happy, humorous messages that have been exceptionally well received in the market.

    4th » Magnum

    Magnum is that brand of ice cream that comes through sight. Surely his emotion is desire .

    The dark brown they use in their logo helps them stand out from their competition and target an audience that they want to feel select.

    Elegance and exclusivity are other characteristics of the brand that are clearly seen in its advertising.

    5th » SMEs, Micro-SMEs and Entrepreneurs

    Are you thinking that only big brands can do Emotional Marketing? No way.

    Emotions are not the property of multinationals. SMEs or entrepreneurs, like you or me, we can also mobilize our potential clients in this way.

    It is about looking for their emotions so that there is an identification between them and us.

    It is true that music has a direct bridge to the heart and connects us, but making regular publications with this approach also makes your message sink in.

    You just need to be sincere, natural and empathetic.

    Personal Branding has a lot to say here and often we make use of emotions without realizing the marketing approach. This happens when emotions are at the base of, I’m not saying your strategy, but the character and essence of your brand.

    How to apply Emotional Marketing in your business?

    Do you see how this technique can help you sell more and attract your ideal client? I hope so, because people are full of feelings.

    But maybe you are wondering how you can look for them and apply them in your business to sell more and grow your branding, right?

    The first thing you have to be clear about is who your Buyer Persona is , what they like, what they need, what they lack to be happy. If you don’t have it yet, create it. With this as a base, essential, you can start your strategy.

    1) Be sincere and mean what you say

    For me, this is the first premise for your Emotional Marketing strategy to be successful. If you feel it, if you want (really) to reach the hearts of people, you will achieve it almost without realizing it.

    But, of course, you must have emotions in the DNA of your brand .

    I return to the previous example of the Personal Brand:

    2) Humanize your brand

    1000 times you have read this title. I know. But do you apply it? Do you really understand what is behind it?

    Look, it’s very simple. And it doesn’t matter if your company is a multinational or if you and you are your partner.

    To achieve this, you only need to give it a character that is generally described in the mission, vision and values. Imagine your brand as if it were a person and make it behave in the main social networks as such:

    • be nice,
    • Speak as if it were you (with your character, of course),
    • Respond, talk, talk.

    3) Choose an emotion and transmit it

    People are full of emotions and a humanized brand should be too.

    However, a simple way for you to start applying Emotional Marketing is to choose one of them.

    Think about what feelings define your brand and which of them can generate greater engagement in your community. Select it and work on it in your digital communication.

    Try to transmit it in each post you make, in each blog post you publish , in each answer you give.

    It is possible that you hesitate and that you have several emotions that you would like to convey to your potential clients. You can do it, but better one by one. Think about your global digital strategy, where you are, the goal you want to achieve right now.

    Surely you already know which emotion fits best , right?

    Surely, with other objectives, there will be others. This way you can work all the character of your brand and reach the little heart of who you love. ♥

    4) Become a Lovemark

    The best way in which brands can attract and retain customers is by establishing emotional bonds with them and this is one of the tasks that we entrust to Emotional Marketing.

    Therefore, you have to be able to satisfy the effective needs that your community has.

    How is it done? With Content Marketing . The tone that you use and the useful message that you give through your publications, the way to differentiate yourself from your competition or the authenticity that you are capable of transmitting, are some of the keys that bring you closer to them.

    All this is what leads to being appreciated, recognized, valued, admired and even idolized . In short, it is the path that leads you to become a Lovemark .

    5) Do storytelling

    Another of the best ways to establish emotional bonds is to tell stories because the identification that you generate in another person when you make a Storytelling is much more powerful.

    This relationship favors the generation of an action.

    Explain your message through a story, make your content stir feelings and you will see how it is easier to generate engagement or motivate your community to do something you want them to do, for example, buy.

    Make that person who follows you feel like the protagonist of your story.

    Differences and similarities between Emotional Marketing and Neuromarketing

    The technique that concerns us today and Neuromarketing are closely related, so it is normal that they are sometimes confused. Let’s see some details of each one so that it doesn’t happen to you.

    Both exist thanks to emotions, which are their cornerstone. But look, the first causes them, the second measures them in the brain .

    With these analyzes we can know how a potential client will behave towards a certain product and, thus, we will estimate if it will be successful or not.

    We will see if it arouses fear, desire, happiness, covers basic needs, etc.

    In short, one is at the service of the other and together they help us to get to know our client better, to identify the emotions that lead them to make a purchase decision.


    As Gemma Fillol says , “ Emotional Marketing is Marketing that is not seen, but felt ”.

    With this phrase we could summarize this post. Because it is about that, about feeling, about being human. Emotions are what move the world and what lead us to action, out of love, out of hate, out of fear…

    Brands are no different from people and therefore this strategy should not be difficult to carry out. To implement it, remember that it has to be endowed with a character, a personality.

    And, to this, you can associate some specific emotions that, developed in your content, lead you to connect with your potential client and convert him into a client.

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